Many clients are pursuing loan modifications, including short sales, that involve the lender writing off a portion of the loan balance. While obtaining this form of relief can be very beneficial, it is important to...
Five years ago the talk at cocktail parties was about money made on the latest hot real estate flip. Today it seems to be about how much banks are willing to write off, usually in short sale transactions. Then as now...
Florida Gulf Coast University has released its monthly review of regional economic indicators for Southwest Florida. Among the highlights for Charlotte County: Home Sales. Charlotte County’s existing...
On Monday, Bank of America reported that it was ready to continue foreclosure proceedings in Florida, as well as 22 other states, by October 25. For a full list of states where foreclosure proceeding will resume see:Bank...
Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett and Carr, P.A. is honored to announce that Florida Bar board certified attorney Guy S. Emerich was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2011 edition of The Best Lawyers in America...