Farr Law Firm Named As A Fund 25 Member Firm By Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund
Orlando (February 21, 2008) –Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Inc. (The Fund) today announced that Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett and Carr, P.A. has been named a Fund 25 member firm. As a Fund 25 member firm, Guy S. Emerich and David A. Holmes will be representing the Farr Law Firm at the Annual Meeting of The Fund 25 in March. The Annual Meeting of The Fund 25 provides its members an opportunity to learn what is on the horizon for the title industry and real estate practice in Florida. The event also provides an opportunity for members to interact with colleagues from around the state and to freely exchange views and openly discuss issues with The Fund’s executive management team and board of directors.
“We are pleased to announce that the Farr Law Firm has been designated as a Fund 25 member firm,” said Charles J. Kovaleski, president of Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund, Florida’s leading title insurance underwriter. “With The Fund 25 designation, they rank among an elite group of legal professionals within the real estate industry.”
Fund 25 members are determined by the level of business they have conducted with The Fund the prior year.
“We are honored that the Farr Law Firm has been in the top 25 of the more than 6,000 Fund members for the last 11 consecutive years and 15 of the last 17 years,” said Jack O. Hackett II, president of Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett and Carr, P.A. “Like the rest of Florida, the real estate market challenged our region in 2007. It is a credit to our clients and referring REALTORS® that we were able to meet those challenges by continuing to close enough real estate transactions to maintain our position among the highest ranks of Fund members.”